Dear Community,
STEM Education Experience needs your help to raise $17,400! We would like to offer scholarships for 25 deserving and underserved youth to participate in 12 free Saturday STEM Education Experiences. Many students and parents have expressed interest in participating but do not have the funds to do so. The price that we charge parents ($45) is discounted so that more youth can participate. However, the sustainable cost for a child to participate in Saturday STEM Education Experience is $58 per child, this includes the average cost for materials to conduct experiments, build objects, 3D print designs and pay our teachers.
STEM Education Experience is actively trying to reshape the lives of students through informal learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We take learning outside of the traditional classroom to eliminate the stressors of grades, tests and overcrowded classrooms, and provide students with fun quality learning experiences. But our efforts to reshape the lives of the next generation won’t reach their maximum effectiveness unless we have the backing of the community.
We need your help!
Jeremiah Wilson
STEM Education Experience Inc., Founder & CEO
Keep up with us on Social Media!
*ATTN: S.E.E Scholarship

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*Financial accounts are associated with Wilson's Tutorial Services LLC which is a subsidiary company to STEM Education Experience Inc. All funds donated via Paypal, Cashapp, Zelle and Apple Pay will be strictly utilized for the aforementioned purposes.